
Hot summer - how elections were rigged in Russia (Perovo,Moscow)

14 апреля 2015 - Админ

Russia.Moscow.OKRUG.INFO - the elections of deputies on March 4, 2012. Not likely to repeat such fraud in the Moscow mayor election on September 8, 2013. (approx. And not likely to repeat such fraud in the elections to the Moscow city Duma in 2014?)

The correspondent Soldier Besperstov talks with former candidate for Deputy in the municipal Assembly of the Perovo district of Moscow Vladimir Mikhailovich Losev.

- Hello. Tell us, how was the municipal election on March 4, 2012? What do you remember, what were your impressions from the election?
- Hello. I participated in these elections as a candidate. I'm just overwhelmed by this experience, I have no words to Express the depth of my anger and frustration. In my opinion, the elections were rigged in the most insolent manner.

- And what happened? Do you have any proof?
- Official videos with plots. Anyone can look. The procedure of counting of votes recorded on video in accordance with the Decision of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation No. 82/635-6 continuously until the announcement of final results. On election station №1137 and №1141, according to a video, some candidates were assigned hundreds of votes for other candidates stolen hundreds of votes that were allowed to become deputies who people didn't vote. According to a video of members of precinct election commissions (PECs) counted ballots in one number of votes, and in the Protocol wrote it. Here are the statistics for only one of the election station No. 1137 (str. Novogireevskaya 22A):
Elections of deputies in Perovo, Moscow. Russia
At election station No. 1141 (Federated prospect, 1A), the situation is still disastrous.

- You applied for?
- Yes, of course. Started with the Territorial election Commission (TEC) of the Perovo district, wrote in Perovskaya Prosecutor. They suggest not to believe your eyes and ears, giving absurd replies - it is very difficult these videos, all clearly visible and audible. Right in the deputies walked. Cover her, spit on the law. I will continue to write further. People should know the truth about the election. I only wish Putin and naive ejected from the budget of Russia billions on surveillance, because that Putin was hoping video surveillance will help to stop violations or prevent them.

- How much money was spent on surveillance? To put video cameras at all polling stations urged Vladimir Putin, is all this money wasted? Rallies of protests in Moscow on Sakharov and Marsh had reason?
- If you believe the press, on the video surveillance from the budget has been spent 13 billion rubles. As we can see, the 100-thousands protest on Sakharov and Bolotnaya square were founded, people had every legitimate reason to resent because of fraud and to demand justice. Violations during the counting of votes entail the distortion of election results than questioning the legitimacy of the authorities and the principles of democracy, it is the position of the constitutional court dated 22 April 2013

- Can be repeated such events and on elections of the mayor of Moscow, which will be held September 8, 2013?
- So in fact of the matter: no doubt happen again! Because in Ticks and PSS all sit the same people who felt so wonderful voice at First. They will be considered. And there is no reason to doubt that will count exactly the same. Which phase of the protest will reach the indignation of the people at this time, do not presume to predict. Those who violate the law with impunity and falsifies the elections tomorrow will sell our Home. And it turns out that filter out illegitimate deputies to the mayor also illegitimate.

Оfficial video from the polling stations(the counting of votes):

Election station  № 1141:  (start  with 1h 06 min) (end)

Election station  № 1137: (start with 1h 29 min) (next) (end)

After downloading the videos to look their best VLC media player, it is free and it is widely adjustable sound level, everything is clearly audible,
you can download it here

Оfficial protocols from the polling stations:

Election station  № 1137:
(Оfficial protocol)

Election station  № 1141: 
(Оfficial protocol)

According to comparison official video and official protocols signed by PEC members get a clear discrepancy between the results calculated one number, and in official records have been written totally different numbers.

Here is a table of differences.
The result at the election station №1137 Perovo district of the city of Moscow:


Name of candidate
voters (protocol)
voters real(video)
-  / + 
Вернидуб Т.Н. 30 74 - 44
Гришкина В.Н. 587 429 + 158 (ЕдРо)
Инякина Т.Е. 420 275 +145 (ЕдРо)
Лосев В.М. 7 174 - 167 (КПРФ)
Любезная Н.В. 12 260 - 248 (Справ.Россия)
Петелин Ю.Н. 758 323 + 435 (Едро)
Пономарёв А.А. 405 374 + 31

The result at the election station №1141 Perovo district of the city of Moscow:

Name of candidate voters (protocol) voters real(video) -  / +
Беляев А.М. 11 83 - 72
Вернидуб Т.Н. 8 43 - 35
Гришкина В.Н. 11 200 - 189
Громов И.И. 955 95 + 860 (ЕдРо)
Инякина Т.Е. 3 108 - 105
Лосев В.М. 4 159 - 155 (КПРФ)
Любезная Н.В. 8 157 - 149 (Справ.Россия)
Петелин Ю.Н. 179 86 + 93 (Едро)
Пономарев А.А. 36 107 - 71


ЕдРо -  party "the United Russia"
КПРФ - opposition "Communist party"
Справ.Россия - opposition party "Fair Russia"

According to these tables
, it becomes obvious that these municipal deputies of the district Perovo residents Perovo elected the representative of the Communist party Vladimir Losev M. and representative of the Kind of a just Russia Nadezhda Vladimirovna.

The CHRONICLE of CRIME - how was the election fraud and organized fraud protection in Perovo.

March 4, 2012 - elections of deputies, voting at polling stations in Perovo.
5 March 2012 - the results from all polling stations, with the last hours of delay(!!!) the results came with wick No. 1137 and 1141. They abruptly and implausibly different from all other areas by changing the composition of elected candidates. Election station №1141 - rough mathematical inconsistency of the data from which it follows that here stole about 2,500 votes Perovo.
5 March 2012 - filed complaint(several candidates) to the Territorial Election Commission(TEC) Perovo on the results of the №1137 and №1141 with the immediate recalculation of bulletins on these Election station and view data from Webcams to the procedure of counting of votes.
7 March 2012 - meeting of the TEC Perovo on submitted complaints to the meeting was not invited, decided to defer consideration of complaints against 18:00 on 11 March 2012.
March 9, 2012 - filed a complaint with the police, the coupon number 0150253, about fraud in the elections with the requirement to ensure the safety of the ballots, seal the room and safe with ballots and seals PECs, examining their existence, to seize the ballots until they are re-conversion in TEC Perovo.
The investigator in the police refuses to take action, arguing that it will be dismissed if she would do it.
March 11, 2012 - when the candidates came to the meeting TEC Perovo their complaints, they were notified that the meeting of the TEC Perovo passed an hour earlier with no warning and for their participation, they were given the Decision of the TEC No. 18/91 that recount the ballots in these areas(without any arguments) is denied to them.
Thus it became apparent that the TEC Perovo, just passing the time.
March 12, 2012 - submitted application to Perovskaya Interdistrict Prosecutor's office of Moscow.
March 21, 2012 - received a reply from the police that their competence does not include these issues, it is recommended to apply to the TEC Perovo and the court.
By the reaction, it is clear that there is no random error or falsification of elections in place(№ 1137,1141), and well-planned crime, committed by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion or by kryshuyemy well.
March 13, 2012 - filed in the Moscow city Duma Deputy Klychkov A. E.
March 28, 2012 - appeal sent to the Deputy of the Moscow city Duma Klychkov A. E. Prosecutor of Moscow Kudeneev C. V. with the requirement to understand the obvious frauds.
April 19, 2012 - received a response from the IPCC(Mothersurname), they were transferred to statement of Perovskaya Interdistrict Prosecutor's office. In response, the IPCC offers believe the protocols of the  Election station №1137,1141 or to go to court. As TEC Perovo they didn't want to understand and even to hear the arguments, not to mention the simple recount of ballots, or watching a video with the procedure of counting of votes.
Applications are submitted to the Ministry of communications of the Russian Federation to receive official video video on elections. Videos finally obtained, viewed the vote counting procedure and installed vysheozvuchennoy flagrant falsification of the Election station members 1137 and 1141 considered one the number of votes in ballots, and the Protocol entered completely different numbers, obviously after committing the crime, by signing the Protocol with falsified numbers, a crime under articles 142 and 142.1 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation?
February 11, 2013 - for the repeated statement in Perovskaya Prosecutor with the application from the Ministry of communications of the Russian Federation video discs received a reply stating that because "the protocols were tested on the control ratio" and "signed by PEC members", the violations they see.
Although we and they understand that if the candidate A. to ascribe 1000 votes, and candidate B. of these 1000 votes to steal(which was done), the control ratio and will not be disturbed, in spite of this falsification.
It becomes clear that Perovsky the Prosecutor protects the criminals. The drives there and no one was looking, although they are obvious crimes.
February 13, 2013 - filed in Perovsky rainy the court.
14 February 2013 - received a refusal to accept a statement from Perovsky court, the judge Besperstova O. V., in which she speaks of lack of jurisdiction over the case(???) and recommends as much ... in the Tver district court.
February 15, 2013 - filed in Tver district court.
15 February 2013 - received definition of the Tverskoy district court in which they make round eyes and send in ... Presnensky district court. Why - probably don't even know.
February 15, 2013 - filed a Private complaint in Moscow city court on refusal to accept the application the judge Besperstova O. V. from Perovsky court.
28 February 2013 the Moscow city court satisfied the appeal and in his appeal the determination establishes that the case is cognizable exactly Perovskia the court, the case returned to judge Besperstova.
April 25, 2013 - finally held the first hearing on the case in Perovsky court. But by this time the scammers have destroyed the ballot papers from polling stations, due to the fact that the judge Besperstova O. V. refused to accept the application and delayed the time for complaints to the Moscow city court. But on 9 March 2012 the application was made to the police with the requirement to ensure the safety of the ballots! However, there is an official video with the counting of votes with video and audio. The judge watches the video and records the apparent discrepancy.
30 April 2013 - at the meeting questioned the "witnesses", that is to say members of the gang 1141, which naturally declare that I do not remember, and are confused in indications. But the judge is already like a new person! Refuses to call members 1137, court records within the prescribed period will not be issued, and when they finally after several complaints they get, they are grossly distorted claims with the requirement to correct the trial transcript with the application of audio recordings of court proceedings - all failures follow.
may 20, 2013 - judge Besperstova denies the claim.
The judge Besperstova it justifies its distrust of viewed videos. In the requests for examination videos she refuses, call the representatives of the RF Ministry of communications, granted the video in court she refuses, in the examination of witnesses with the 1137 she refuses, she refuses to introduce members 1141(don't remember which) with videotapes(to help them remember) and re-interrogate after that, etc.
June 19, 2013 - appeal in the Moscow city court.
In the Moscow city court judge Moscow city court in a whisper said that he has no right to look at those videos and especially to count votes, he's banned. Point. Arrived. Curtain.
It becomes clear why as a substitute judge Besperstova at the meeting on 30 April 2013 and why she denied the claim.
All the officers involved in this sordid history with the criminal slope: TEC members Perovo, legal representatives TEAK Perovo in court, and I work in the Government Perovo in their places. These same members of the TEC/PEC will consider the voices of citizens and Perovo on.
It becomes obvious that the government is illegitimate. That change the situation with the election fraud in a legal way - through the courts and law enforcement agencies cannot.
What next? Kiev version?

candidate for Deputy
  in the municipal Assembly of the Perovo district of Moscow, Russia
  Vladimir Mikhailovich Losev


Russian original source:

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